Saturday, 19 January 2008

In Search Of

In most cases I hope to provide people who visit nylon diner with stimulating content that entertains and perhaps educates. I love to check up on how people find nylon diner (through links, seach engines, etc) and what interests bring them here. Here are some recent searches that led people to my little blog, in order of frequency:

five second rule
chocolate stress
3 little pig puns
bavarian saloon
bircher muesli recipe milk raspberries honey overnight
chubby danish women in nylon

I don't think the last visitor found quite was he was looking for. I guess you can't please all of the people all of the time.


Anonymous said...

just found your blog through chocolate & zucchini and have been reading avidly for the past hour.

Joanna said...

anna - thanks for sharing how you find nylon diner! so glad you are enjoying it.

Wendy said...

Jeez, people can be freaks! :-D

aforkfulofspaghetti said...

heh heh. Maybe he didn't.

I found you via 'A Wee Bit of Cooking'. Looking forward to reading more....

Leigh said...

classic! you couldnt make it up!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I found it thru Apt Therapy. I will be visiting regularly. Michael